Character Design Challenge April 2020
This was my entry for the Character Design Challenge for April 2020. This month’s theme was: Doctor/Nurse.
I'm very happy to say that it got approved and posted as well. That made me very excited.
I wanted to go with something a little more innocent than the amazing Covid-19 related pieces that I've seen.
Doctors can also comfort us by simply telling us it'll be okay, because they know we will.
The little mouse Maurice is only a child, so a scratch on his arm scared him, but he'll be just fine with some love and care.
The idea behind the usage of the Japanese brush was to make it look like it was done on paper. My goal with digital art is to not make it look like it’s digital.
The brush I used for this piece is one I have recently downloaded to try out. I love experimenting with new materials, and for me it works the same way with digital materials.
I coloured it with digital watercolours and added a paper texture to finish it off. It looks crisp like digital, but it has a warm and soft textural feel of that of an analog illustration.
In the sketch on the left, the Doctor is wearing a facemask. I drew it on because of recent covid-19 events, but it felt like it left out the meaning of the image. So I removed it in the final.